It's hard to believe we've been here six weeks already and will be heading home next Tuesday. It always seems that we're just settling in, getting our wits about us, beginning to really speak French and tout d'un coup, it's time to head back home to the states. Very grateful for the time we've had here and for the good friends we've made.
Here are some of the pieces I've been working on the past few weeks.
This is a series of collage paintings inspired by a page I did in my collage journal (see below). I've been working on them for a couple of weeks and I think they're finished. Each one is approx.7.5" x 7". I like them individually as well as in the grouping below. It was fun to watch each composition unfold and evolve as I worked on them--sometimes as part of the series, sometimes as unique pieces.
This is the page in my collage journal that inspired me to do the above series. I added some blue to my more neutral palette of grays and cream and focused more on creating texture and depth with the paint. Still working on the other page in the spread.
Another spread from my collage sketch book. Experimenting with reds and golds. I love the vibrant drama of these pages—individually and as a diptych.
And with that, my French adventure draws to a close. It was wonderful to experience the Lot Valley in the summertime, even though we had almost two weeks of rain and temperatures in the low 60s at the beginning of July! There are so many festivals and markets every week. And the beauty of the countryside here, the villages full of stone houses and the river Lot itself is truly stunning. It was so nice to be back with friends we've made and to meet new friends as well. Looking forward to our return and thinking about having a small exhibition of my work here next time... Alors, à bientôt et à la prochaine!